Friday, November 30, 2012


The yearlings (one year old pups) returning to the island are amazing; they have a unique coat that is very orange in appearance.  They are very skittish, and hang out on the outskirts of the colony. 

Thursday, November 29, 2012


I am so excited, two of my six pups have weaned.  Grow up so fast!  Still waiting for them to molt...I am sure they will turn out as handsome as these weaners.   Will wait for the other four, and then back home we go! 

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Hey Ladiiiieeess

This male heard some ladies on the other side of the wall and decided to check it out.  He proceeded to climb over the wall for a booty call.  The ladies had none of it though...chased him off away from there pups.  Just wouldn't be appropriate in front of the children.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Bad weather

There have been a few days without posts on the Isle so far...all due to weather.  When it is really windy and rainy I can't get much work done, so I end up staying in and don't have pictures. Was really windy out today, but was able to get in some work this morning.  Found this weaner doing what I would have preferred...Just chillin'.

Saturday, November 24, 2012


Using rocks for pillows is the top of the line comfort Isle style.

Friday, November 23, 2012


That grass tastes awful!  Let me go back and try it again to be sure...

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy thanksgiving!

Couldn't sneak up on this pup; craned his head all the way back and spotted me out.  

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Whale of a weaner

May I present the largest weaner I have seen.  His head is the normal size, but he is as wide around as the pregnant females.  Mom did a good job with him!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Bud's little brother

Meet Bud's little brother!  He is very rowdy compared to Bud; he tried to attack/eat my dead cat (the windcover protecting my microphone)

Field work supervisor

I am being highly micromanaged during my work....this weaner double checked my speaker playback settings this morning.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Zola's sister

She is also very vocal.  Mom stepped out for a swim, and she is left crying hungrily.

Scenic views

Was beautiful weather on the isle today, with a stunning sunrise and dramatic lighting for the light house

Pup pushups

Up down up down, pups stay fit

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Mandy asked me to post this for her.  This is a sound she recorded off a seal pup (the one seen in the picture).  It goes Bluuuuuuuurgle!

Playing in the grass

Playing in the grass is tiring work...better take a nap with mom!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Nobody like mom

One of my study pups spent the morning cuddling and kissing with mom. 

He also happened to shove his head down a rabbit hole, and when it came out one eye was covered in mud as if he had looked through a comedy telescope with shoe polish around the rim :)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Meet the New Crew

New babies are in!  Any ideas for names? 6 names, starting with the letters G-L.  Folks back at the office reckon we should have a Gandalf the grey seal...

I am a bit worried I may have chosen a 'special' pup this round...he keeps sleeping in rabbit holes.  perfect sized little head for it!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Weaner Madness Monday

The Isle seems really quiet compared with last year; it seems like many of the seals pupped earlier in the season, and there are already troops of weaners parading around.  I sat down to record a few of my study animals, alone, and fifeteen minutes later I turn around to find myself surrounded by 6 weaners.  One was especially curious and made sure he was able to come and give an interview.  Though I am a bit concerned; he came up and sat with me for awhile, but as soon as he took a wiff of me he turned tail and ran.  Perhaps a shower is in order, or perhaps I should be flattered I don't smell of ode de grey seal. 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Back to the Isle of May

Was a little bit delayed by the weather, but have now made it out to the May.  A fresh group of lovely seal pups awaits.  Just got a brief hunt around my favorite spots today, and found a few brand new pups (such as the lovely baby crying up top for his mom) ripe for my research.  Should be a fun month!!!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Hapy Bonfire Night!!!

Marc and I celebrated with skylanterns (eco friendly ones made of balsawood that burn out before landing)

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Halloween MCMexpo

For Halloween this year Marc and I went to our first comic con, the MCM expo in London.  We dressed up in a steampunk theme with a group of the vet students, Marc going as steampunk jesus.  He spent the day trying bless people, change water into wine.....he enjoyed it just a bit to much.

It was great seeing all the people dressed up, there were some fantastic costumes.  But unbelievably crowded, you couldn't move in some places.  I don't think either of us a super excited to go to another con anytime soon, at least not in London.