Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Snow days

We have snow!!! The ground is lighted powdered, which means a day inside curled up and baking. Twilight snuggled up between two duvets on the rocking chair and refused to move all day long.  Marc and I spent the extra time baking for a school bake sale.  We made ice cream cone cupcakes to raise money for the folks who let the vet students practice neutering rabbits.  Day well spent!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Our Dynamic Earth

Marc and I finally checked off one of our Edinburgh to see places: the science museum Our Dynamic Earth.  The tour starts with taking a time machine back to the Big Bang, goes through evolution of the planet and life, and explores different biomes with lots of 3 and 4 D exhibits.  Very theme park like, there are lots of movies and special effects (like the lava flow up top! and a real glacier!, but it is a bit slack on the information side.  Your stuck going at the pace the museum sets for you (a very slow one), and I usually think the beauty of museums is the ability to take as much (or as little) information as you want.  This place spoons the relevant small chunks into you.

Still a cool visit!  A novel way to set up a museum, with some hits and misses.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Happy New Year!

Sorry to have taken so long to update, I have been enjoying the time off.  Marc and I spent the holidays at home relaxing and taking small day trips to hike the different hills in the area.  One trip took us up next to the fake ski slope, which also happens to go through a pasture of hairy coo's!