Wednesday, May 29, 2013

New Penguins!

The St Andrews Aquarium has just gotten four new arrivals; humbolt penguins!  They are hoping to start a breeding colony, so this time next year there should be babies running around :) They are in an ackward period right now; molting season is starting, hence the bald patches.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Life update

My thesis life has gotten to the point that most weekends are spent working from home, so over the past week I have been 'nesting' into my wee new office space.  Highly kitten approved.

As you can see from the picture, Midnight has a few bald spots.  He has been sick for a few days, so we took him in and surprise! Found a big old strip of cello plastic in his belly.  Happily they got it out with an endoscope, so no big trauma for him and he is back to his old self less than 24 hours later.  Naughty hungry kitten. 

Sunday, May 5, 2013


This weekend we took a day trip down to York.   York is a lovely town, and covered in spring flowers in bloom.  You could smell them everywhere you walked.  We saw the York minster, very pretty church with a few unique details like what looks like a viking ship head and headless air traffic controllers (shown above). 

We hadn't planned it, but we were in town for the YO1 festival so there were lots of vendors, markets, music and tons of people.  We sampled lots of local baked goods (including a very tasty french pastry called good as a drug!)