Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Florida Manatees

We are having a wonderful time in Florida visiting with everyone.  Always a highlight is visiting the manatees in the boat basin near Marc's home.  You can't beat walking two blocks from home to see manatees whenever you want!!!

Friday, July 19, 2013

Visit home!

Marc and I are very excited to be leaving for a visit home! It's been about two years since we have gone back to the states, it will be wonderful.  Hopefully we will get there without any stowaways :)

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Sunny days mean fluffy seals

We have had some beautiful weather this week, record highs (yes, mid 80's is the best we can expect here).  The seals are loving it, spending lots of time out of the water sunning.  Seeing them with their coats dried is a treat; they are all blond and fluffy!  Janice is showing off her half wet / half dry look above.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Pile O' Meerkat

I have had the pleasure of spending the last week working as a keeper at the St Andrews Aquarium. Most of the time I am only working with their resident seals on my research projects, but they were a little short handed so I was helping out.  It was a nice break and a treat to work with their other critters including their family group of meerkats.  One evening before closing down for the day all 17 cuddled up as a group, I couldn't resist sharing!