Friday, August 30, 2013

Updates from the Aquarium animals

After all of our summer trips, Marc and I are settling back into the routine of things.  I took the opportunity to get some new photos of the aquarium critters.  

Sea swans

The swans that were born this summer are all grown up into ackward brown fluffy teenagers, and have moved up in the world...they have now moved out to sea.  I hadn't ever seen a swan in the ocean before, there is a first time for everything.

Hungarian Castle vs Parliament

On the top we have Budapest castle, the bottom Parliament.  Coming from Scotland, I am a bit spoiled with castles, and Hungary has nothing on English castles.  However their parliament building is really something, especially this view from the water! 

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Budapest zoo

Marc and I have been running around Budapest, and enjoyed the zoo. Some of the most modern exhibits we have seen, with lots of different views to see the animals, and flexible cage wires so you can squeeze your camera in to get that perfect shot.  We were surprised by a lack of training/enrichment; but that seems to be a cultural thing in europe.  Many facilities try to make enclosures very natural and be hands off with animals.  I don't agree; if an animal is in captivity than I think using any technique to make them more comfortable and at ease working around humans is in the animals interest.

Thursday, August 15, 2013


So far the conference in Budapest has been wonderful, with a great selection of talks.  I have taken a little time to wander around the city, and a real highlight are all the statues, especially those reminent of the communist days.  The city is beautiful, and it will be great this weekend to take more time to explore...especially because marc was able to find last minute cheap flights to join me! 

Also, if your ever in Budapest, get a chimney cake. It is a festival bread that is hollow and spirals to tear apart...absolutely delicious!!!