Monday, March 24, 2014

Cats & Technology

What happens when you combine: 1) a thesis student who can't spend any more time looking at data, 2) a household of cats, and 3) the latest and greatest in phone technology (i.e. a game with a moving laser) ?

See above.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Five Sisters Zoo

Marc and I enjoyed a visit to the five sister's zoo today. It took us long enough; it is close to home, in one of Edinburgh's provinces.  It is a nice small zoo, but is undergoing a lot of work as it had recently had a lot of damage from a fire.  There was a lot of community support, and they seem to be making a lot of improvements.

I must say though, the prarie dogs were much fatter than I remember back home...perhaps this is what the wintering prarie dogs look like, but they usual hibernate in the Colorado winter.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Jorge Cham visiting St Andrews :)

I had the pleasure of meeting Jorge Cham of phd comics ( this week! ^_^ He came and ran a workshop on how to communicate your research to the public, and had a great seminar on the power of procrastination. His comics are just plain good for the graduate student's soul.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Cramond Island

Today was a lovely sunny morning, so Marc and I took another mini Edinburgh adventure. We went out to Cramond Island, which is connected to Edinburgh by a mile long walkway.  But it is only accessible at low tide. It used to be a Roman fort back in 142 AD, and played a role in Brittish defense during WWI and WWII. Most recently it was a holiday home, and now is open to the public.