Saturday, September 27, 2014

Another Edinburgh Zoo visit

Had another very enjoyable visit to the Edinburgh Zoo, continueing to explore the possibility of doing some future work with them. Might work with this guy come next year!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Scottish Referendum, the results are in...

...and Scotland has decided to stay in the union. Personally, I think this is a good decision and in the nations best interests given the economy and uncertainties of the future.  And despite the no result, hopefully England will follow through with the promises that were made for more devolution of power back to Scotland, which should help.

Either way, it is so very encouraging that overwhelming numbers of voters came out and were engaged in the campaign, and that the result is being received peacefully despite the near even vote.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Seal training fall 2014

This past week we had a new batch of student recruits go through seal training basics. Very promising bunch, we will get them started with the seals next week :)

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Kitty training for asthma meds

This upcoming week we have a new batch of students starting up in my animal training class. We try to branch out and discuss all the awesome ways training can be used, and have a nice example from my critters at home.

One of our cats has asthma, so over the past month we've trained her to let us put her nose in a tube to breath in the medicine. Now that she has figured that with cooperation tasty food is involved, she purrs when we bring it out. Happy cat :)

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

End of Summer Fireworks

Haven't been posting much. For the next month I will be buckling down, hiding in a cave and writing my thesis.

But Sunday night was lovely as it marked the end of the international festival, and pretty much the end of summer. And the way we celebrated was a delicious veggie dinner at David Bonn, and then fireworks :)

They put on a 45 min firework display synchronized with classical music. They opened with Ride of the Valkeries, pretty cool to see with fireworks. And we watched from a carpark behind the castle, which resulted in the display looking as though the castle was on fire, or at other times that the royalty were actively launcing bombs from the castle at the city. Either way, pretty cool.

And now back to work!