Friday, February 20, 2015

Google Cardboard

Marc just finished another round of his rotations, and is now enjoying his days off playing with Google cardboard. Very fun watching 3D movies and tv shows in :)

Thursday, February 5, 2015


Really rough time at the aquarium...our youngest seal passed away unexpectedly yesterday. We are concerned that there is a contagious infection the animals picked up, most likely from other wild animals as they share pool water right on the ocean. We are so very sad for his loss, and worried about our remaining two seals, Nellie and Togo. At the moment they are alright, but we are keeping a close eye on them.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Marc's B-day :)

Yesterday we celebrated Marc's 30th birthday. It has been a great year to celebrate all of his achievements. And after that hard work, he is now enjoying some play :)  Marc is having lots of fun playing with Sphero, a little app controlled robotic sphere (our cats approve as well!) and some video games. The South Park game is unbelievably complex, I am very impressed any may try it out myself!