Friday, May 29, 2015

New member of the aquarium family

This is Lunar, who arrived at the aquarium yesterday afternoon. He is a 10 month old harbour seal from Denmark and is getting along well with our current aquarium resident seals. In the picture he is checking out Nellie :)

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Friday, May 22, 2015

Madrid around town

To complete our visit, Marc and I wandered around Madrid. Classic big city with stunning architecture. Wonderful way to end a wonderful trip :) We are so lucky!

Madrid Zoo

Last stop on our trip was Madrid. Of course we went to the zoo. We were particularly impressed with the sun bears and tapirs; they have many different species of the two, in different groups, kept really well! The sea lion show was also great; entirely education oriented but still fun and engaging for the kids. Surprisingly, they actually walked the sea lion out in front of the kids! This seems really risky to me, but went well and of course had a huge impact on the visitors! Also went to the dolphin show, but just like in Valencia it was mediocre and about watching a dolphin jump, and swim with trainers, rather than impacting education or conservation. The Madrid zoo was overall great, highly recommend visiting it over the valencia oceanarium.

Valencia Oceanarium

Wherever we travel, Marc and I try to visit the zoos and aquariums. The Valencia aquarium is really nice; huge, and they focus on giving the animals more space and nice exhibits as opposed to cramming in alot of different species. However, many were not appropriately kept (for example, the eels did not seem to have a hole) and we did see the dolphin show which was really sea world -esk, rather than education and conservation oriented which is where most animal experiences are moving towards. Worth the visit, but considering it seems to be a newer facility it is behind the times.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015


Marc joined me after the conference in Barcelona, and we left to explore Valenica. Beautiful city, stayed at a very nice hostel with trees that have lovely purple flowers (top). Very forward thinking city, loved it! The main river through the city was to much of a flood risk, so they diverted it and turned the river bed into a city park, including a massive oceanarium, science centre, as well as art and music centres. Though one portion of the park is a massive childrens playground to the theme of Gulliver in Lilliput...but it looks like the natives have cut him open, and the kids can run around inside him. Bit grusome! But overall, loved the city!

Spain - Vilanova i la geltru

Not a bad view for the conference hotel, shows the view outside my balcony. Perfect place to edit my thesis while watching parrots!

Last Stop on Skye: Kylerhea

Last stop on Skye was to an Otterhide in an attempt (failed) to see Giant Otters. But the veiw was superb! Skye is an amazing trip, highly recommend it :)

Isle of Skye: Dunvegan Castle

Dunvegan castle is the oldest castle in Scotland that has been continously inhabitated; the current clan cheif is still in residence (Clan MacLeod). They are also in possession of the fairy flag; a magical peice of silk dating between the 4th and 7th century which has protected the clan.

Isle of Skye Coo!

Trip would not be complete without seeing a coo!

Isle of Skye: Fairy Pools

The fairy pools are a system of small waterfalls in a beautiful glen. Maybe you can see the fairies in the fast moving bubbles. But if the fairies were to visit here, I think they would be more likely to avoid the fast moving waterfalls, and instead hang about in the small puddles forming in the land around the falls.

Isle of Skye: Cuillin Mountain

Our trip around Skye was mostly oriented to all the really amazing spots that have been well photographed. This spot is a view of Cuillin Mountain, with a gorgeous bridge in front. Everyone photographs the bridge, but I wasn't as impressed. It is the mountain and the water that is truly stunning in my opinion :)

Isle of Skye: Quirrang

Next stop on our Isle of May tour, another beatiful vista: Quirrang.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Isle of Skye: Lambs!


Our visit to Skye was during the height of lambing season, and we were lucky enough to see piles of the little guys running around the Isle.

Isle of Skye: The Old Man of Storr

Next, I caught up with Em and Travis to explore the Isle of Skye. Our first stop was to the Old Man of Storr, an impressive geographic formation; it is a huge pinnacle that you can see from ages away.