Thursday, December 24, 2015

San Fran

The SMM was just held in San Fran, which gave Marc and I a great excuse to see a cool city :) We didn't really like the hotel area much, but did have a fantastic time visiting the sea lions at Pier 39 and fisherman's wharf, as well as a trip south to Ano Nuevo to see the elephant seals. Was a great trip!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Move to Miami - Miami Seaquarium

We are now settled in from our international move from Scotland to Miami. There is lots we will miss, but also lots we are so glad to be back in the states for. And the Miami sunshine is one of them :) Marc just started his new job, and he is loving it. He has already gotten involved with some amazing work on rehabilitating manatees and turtles, just a few days in! I went to visit the seaquarium yesterday. It does some really neat things, and could improve on some things, just like most animal care facilities. It is a great start for Marc's career!