Monday, May 23, 2016

Alex is graduma'cated!

Alex is now official; he graduated from Atlanta's John Marshall Law School last Saturday! The lighting conditions were terrible for photos, but got a few keepers :) These are my favorites.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

IMATA meeting at the Seaquarium

Last weekend I was lucky enough to be invited to speak at the IMATA regional meeting being held at the Miami Seaquarium. Was great to met everyone, and had the opportunity to see some of the seaquarium work I hadn't had a chance to before, like the swim with program for the seals. It is a pretty unique program, were you free swim and interact with their harbor seals.

Have also been really slow to update the blog, mostly because I have been using Instagram instead. It is just a bit quicker to upload photos from my phone. If you want, you can check it out:

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Miami County Fair

Last night Marc and I were lucky enough to enjoy a visit to the county fair. We ate delicious fried food...they had a fried veggies stall and the fried green tomatoes and pickles were the best!...and enjoyed watching people on the rides. They had a log flume which is pretty impressive for a traveling fair. The agriculture area wasn't the best...they had the usual competition which I would never trust to bring my animals to, but also a petting zoo for people to feed the animals. Many animals were overweight, and some were really struggling in the florida heat. So not so impressed, and can't support that. But we still had a nice night out, and it was good to see first hand how they handled their animals.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

K visit!

A very belated post, but a few weeks ago Kate came out for a visit! We had an amazing time visiting Disney (3 parks in one day, crazy!), checking out a fruit and spice botanical park, and chilling in Key Largo :) Miss her tons, so glad she got to come out!

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Happy Birthday Marc!

To celebrate Marc's birthday, we went to see a new musical, the Golem of Havana. It was amazing!!! The story is about a jewish family who moved from Prague to Havana after WWII, and is there during Che's revolution. I highly recommend seeing it if you ever have the chance!

Sunday, January 24, 2016


Not the best quality, but here is a video of our kitty fun this weekend. We found Hexbugs during our grocery shopping, which the cats love. Not a bad deal for $1.50 from Target ^_^ Hours of kitty fun to be had, they move like real bugs!

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Marc in action

I recently had the pleasure of getting to watch Marc at work taking care of sick/injured manatees and sea turtles. He is great at his job!

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Zoo Miami

Recently got to explore Zoo Miami. Really great facility, and absolutely massive! Its a good 4 to 5 miles to walk straight around. Had an amazing evolution exhibit as well, with lots of hands on sections that explain adaptations of different species. Highly recommend a visit ^_^

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

The Wild Animal Sanctuary

Had a wonderful time at home with the family for the holidays. We took a outing to the wild animal sanctuary, which is a rescue group that takes in wild animals in need of a home. They mostly were 'pets' that people were not properly caring for. They have a really cool set up, with tons of open space for the animals, and visitors viewing the animals from a overhead walkway. The animals seemed completely relaxed and not at all bothered by visitors. They have a ton of different animals, though we mostly saw big cats and wolves. All in all a great family trip, and really cool facility!