Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Barcelona Pt 1: Gaudi

Marc and I spent an amazing long weekend in Barcelona with Emily and Travis. We saw so much (and took countless photos) so it will take several posts to go through.

Even from the few days we spent there, it is striking how much a specific architect, Antoni Gaudi, has impacted Barcelona. He has a very distinctive gothic modernist style that has shaped the whole of the city. His work is all over from his towering churchs, parks, government buildings, and his own homes. Several of these locations have become world heritage sites due to his profound influence. His use of open spaces, flowing lines, and whimsical, cartoon forms is magical.
Dragon gate in front of the Guell Pavillion

Gingerbread house in Guell park

Steps into Guell Park

Lizard fountain

Sangrada Familia

Sangrada Familia

Commerce building Guell (not positive on this one, we ran across several of his works while going around town, don't remember for sure which one this was)

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