Sunday, July 29, 2012

Cornish Seal Sanctuary

Another post from Marc:

I spent last week in Helston in Cornwall, the Southwest of England for my Student Selected Component research project.   I actually stayed in a backpackers hostel, which was a converted farm in the middle of no where.  I had to walk 15 minutes to catch a bus, which took an hour to arrive at Gweek, where the seal centre I was doing my work at is located.  I wanted to share some pictures with you.

This is the view from my walk on the country road to the bus stop.

This is the main street in Helston.  The have a little stream that runs down both sides of the street.

Here is where I did my research.

This is the public viewing window into one of the hospital pools.
This is the Grey Seal permanent residents enclosure.   I like how much of a natural feel it has to it.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Highland wildlife park

Marc and I had a lovely weekend vacation up north in the highlands.  We stayed in a little town called Kingussie, which is near several natural areas.  We hiked trials roamed by Scottish wildcats (though didn't see any natives), and hung out in some hides bird watching on the Marsh.  But a highlight of the trip was the Highland wildlife park.  It is a zoo set up like a safari.  The animals are in massive enclosures, part of which you drive through, others you walk through.  The snow monkeys and scottish wildcats were a highlight: both had amazing exhibits, large groups, and were really comfortable hanging out around the visitors.  The Scottish cats had these walkways that went above the visitor pathways, and they would follow us around.  One of them was very vocal, you can hear him/her in the video below. 

We also had time to explore the Folk museum, which was a like the cow towns they still have stateside, as well as to catch a travelling concert by the Scottish Chamber Orchestra.  Amazing musicians, and it was a treat to see them play in such a humble venue (the local gymnasium on fold out chairs).