Sunday, July 29, 2012

Cornish Seal Sanctuary

Another post from Marc:

I spent last week in Helston in Cornwall, the Southwest of England for my Student Selected Component research project.   I actually stayed in a backpackers hostel, which was a converted farm in the middle of no where.  I had to walk 15 minutes to catch a bus, which took an hour to arrive at Gweek, where the seal centre I was doing my work at is located.  I wanted to share some pictures with you.

This is the view from my walk on the country road to the bus stop.

This is the main street in Helston.  The have a little stream that runs down both sides of the street.

Here is where I did my research.

This is the public viewing window into one of the hospital pools.
This is the Grey Seal permanent residents enclosure.   I like how much of a natural feel it has to it.

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