Sunday, September 16, 2012

Welsh Mountain Zoo!

Hi there all! Another post by Marc here.  I travelled to the Welsh Mountain Zoo for research.  It is an interesting small zoo.  They seem to focus on primates.  The zoo is a bit old... but they are making some amazing improvements.  The improvements are slow, but understandable because they are a small zoo.  The most interesting thing they had at the zoo was their lemur exhibit.  It was well designed.

See, very nice design.  Lots of climbing spaces.

 The nifty part of the exhibit is the lemurs had a yard they could come out into with people (they had zoo employees on hand to watch the guest).  

 The above photos are of their chimp outdoor enclosure.  It is okay.  Lots of climbing spaces and hiding spaces for the chimps.  In addition, the guest could view from either at the bottom of the hill (first photo) or overhead (second photo).  Their chimps are no longer breeding quality because they have been determined to be mixed species.  The enclosure could use with some updating and repair work (one of the glass windows was cracked).

 These photos are of their penguins.  This is a problem enclosure, but they know this.  It is old (70s) and slated for updating.  Major problem, how close people can get without supervision. 

One of the best qualities of the zoo was their horticulture.  It was amazing!

So that was the Welsh Mountain Zoo!

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