Sunday, February 24, 2013

Marc's belated birthday

Last week we finally got to celebrate marc's birthday after the illness postponement.  We had a nice dinner we friends, and the restaurant really spoiled marc by giving us complimentary edimame, and marc got a rose and bottle of rice wine!  

For Marc's birthday, the girls made some wonderful things; the birthday card was a lincoln panda eating a cat (for his birthday we were going to go see lincoln...marc really dislikes pandas....and the pandas were evil since they ate kittens....) Camille's lovely artwork decorates that card. 

And to top off the amazingness, Camille, Amanda, and Margaret all created homemade cat toys for the kitties!  Stuffed with cat nip, they loved them.  At times they share, at others they horde the toys all for themselves.

A very happy birthday despite being so long postponed.

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