Saturday, June 15, 2013

Seals of St Andrews Aquarium

I have only just realized that I haven't introduced you to the four harbour seals I have been working with at the St Andrews aquarium.  Up top we have Nellie, mom to the two boys we have Togo and Leif.  Togo is in the second photo down showing how well he can synchronize dance with his mum.  Third photo is Laurel, the 'grandma' of the group who has spent her whole life in captivity after she was brought in for rescue as a pup.  After a few decades she certainly has learned a few tricks and is the fastest learner during our training sessions!  And last but not least, the baby of the group is in the bottom photo.  Leif's baby eyes have gotten us humans well trained-he knows he just needs to look cute and the fish appear.

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