Friday, November 22, 2013

Friendly visitor

This lovey little seal decided she wanted a cuddle today.  I was recording another pup (one of my weaned study animals) and she decided to keep me company.  She was very curious about all of my equipment, and my boots.   And when I needed to leave, I just asked nicely and she scooted off.  A very nice sunny morning encounter :)

What a fantastic way to be finishing up my time on the Isle

Thursday, November 21, 2013

End of the season

My field work has come to a close. All of the pups I have been following are now weaned, and will be spending a few weeks of playing on the Isle before going out to sea.  That is it for all my data collection for my thesis; now it is just analyzing and writting up to finish!

Will probably be leaving the Isle to go back this weekend, so with my free time I am sure there will be lots of seal photos to add to this collection :)

Friday, November 15, 2013

Nothing better than cuddles with mom...

If that is not happiness on that little pups face, I don't know what is.

Start to finish

At the beginning of the season, mom's are big and fat.  But they make hungry hungry pups, and by the time their pups are all grown up and ready to go out on their own mom's are very tiny.  These two lovely ladies show the start and finish points.  A very big difference!

The weaners are descending

It's that time of year again; the pups are growing up, turning into big fat weaners, and roaming around the island.  This little guy kept me company sleeping next to me half the day :)

Saturday, November 9, 2013

The Colony

This is my office for the next few weeks :)


This little guy has developed a habit of sneaking into my equipment when I am not looking.  This is the fourth day in a row that he has seen me put down my stuff, and has run straight to it to check things out.  In exchange for his dedicated supervision, he has gracioulsy allowed me to get some wonderful photos :)

Good lookin'

Adult grey seal males are big and seem to be very intimidating, but actually are very easy going and easy to work around.  This guy couldn't care less that I was sitting with him, just continued to snooze and check out the lady seals.  Plus they smell great! Someone needs to market Eu de' Male Seal, they'd be rich.

Home away from home

While I always miss being at home with Marc and the kitties, there isn't a better temporary home than the beautiful Isle of May with spectacular sunrises.  We stay in the white house, which directly overlooks the water and seal colony on the south of the Isle.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Big Boy

The most successful seals are the ones who eat like pie champs...this little guy is only a week old, but he sure knows how to eat well!

Pretty Pups

Catch up on seal cute-ness: mums and pups

The internet has been a bit specky out here on the Isle this year.  For some strange reason skype works, but nothing else.  However today is a good day, and the internet gods are appeased.  So on with the adorable photos!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Back to the isle of May

It's that time of year again :) Back to the Isle of May to play outside all day with little pups. 

The last couple months has been very busy (which you can tell by my lack of posting).  I finished all of my captive work, and Janice and Gandalf have been released back into the wild.  They finished up strong, we got good data, and when they were released they went straight for the water.  Couldn't have asked for more!

Now I am out on the May to repeat what we did last year.  It went really well, so we are just boosting up the number of seals who are participating this time round.  But since everything is already set up, should be a very easy season!

Internet is a bit dodgy this year, so will post adorable pictures as I can.