Friday, November 1, 2013

Back to the isle of May

It's that time of year again :) Back to the Isle of May to play outside all day with little pups. 

The last couple months has been very busy (which you can tell by my lack of posting).  I finished all of my captive work, and Janice and Gandalf have been released back into the wild.  They finished up strong, we got good data, and when they were released they went straight for the water.  Couldn't have asked for more!

Now I am out on the May to repeat what we did last year.  It went really well, so we are just boosting up the number of seals who are participating this time round.  But since everything is already set up, should be a very easy season!

Internet is a bit dodgy this year, so will post adorable pictures as I can.

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