Saturday, December 21, 2013

NZ-Kaikora dolphins

While in Kaikora we also went on a dolphin tour.  This tour allows people to swim with the wild dolphins, but I only went as an observer and stayed on the boat.  I wasn't sure how ethical it would be to expose wild dolphins to groups of human swimmers, but it seemed like it was ok (from the dolphins perspective). The people we thrown in off shore, and the dolphins were free to approach or leave as they pleased.  The humans were not very adept swimmers, and just kinda bobbed along in their wetsuits, so the ackward swimmers didn't seem at all bothersome to the graceful dolphins.  Though I do worry a bit about the swimmers around the much more adept dolphins....

We were with a pod of about 400 dusky dolphins.  They are very acrobatic, and do tons of leaps and spins and jumps.  They were very interested in the boat and the people; they came right up to explore.  And from the boat they would leap around feet away from you.  Way better than any sea world visit!

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