Saturday, June 7, 2014

Seal Training Course

At the moment most of my energy is focused on finishing up my thesis (and hence the very few blog posts).  But my heart is also very invested in a animal training course (to be fancy, it is officially called "Practical application of animal training in research studies").  We set up a collaboration between the St. Andrews Aquarium and the university to get students involved with a start up training program.  Last spring we had 19 university students come and learn to train the 4 seals at the aquarium.  The students are allowing me to do more with my research, and one of them was inspired enough to set up another research project that will get started later this week.  It's worked out so well, and we are re-running the course over the summer with new eager students, and expanding to start training the humbolt penguins at the aquarium as well. 

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