Sunday, July 20, 2014

Fun from London

For Marc's post-graduation celebrations, we headed down to London. Had a wonderful trip; we got to visit many places again, which was great as there is just so much to take in, you appreciate so much more with a repeat visit. For example, during the first visit of the tower of london I completely missed this memorial to those that were executed within the tower walls. Or that they currently keep a group of ravens within the walls (with clipped wings) due to superstition that if that ravens ever leave the tower, England will fall.
Occasionally the boys would smile.
Though it was back to serious very quickly.

 We also got to visit new places; we took time to go around parliment (which prohibits pictures, though I was able to get this one from the entrance. I find the lion most amusing).  We also saw a few shows, the crucible (starring Thorin Oakenshield), Mousetrap, and the highlight of the trip, The Book of Mormon.

 And of course we re-visited the zoo. Always a good day out!

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