Wednesday, December 31, 2014


2014 has been an amazing, crazy year. Marc and I have been able to continue to travel and visit amazing new places, spend time with family and friends, and make strides to where we want to get in our careers.

This year Marc graduated, and he is now working as a veterinarian.  He also had his first paper accepted (to be published right at the start of the new year).  I also had my first peer-reviewed papers accepted this year, with another set to come out in the spring.  One of the papers was particularly well accepted by the public; we had a ton of unexpected media interest in our work. It was a great learning experience, and was really positive as we had so much support from everyone.

 I am particularly excited today as I just finished the first full draft of my thesis; a 329 page beast of a paper. Although it will still need some cleaning up, it is a great way to start the new year having the thesis written and ready to go, with plans to defend the viva and graduate this spring *fingers crossed*.

I am so thankful for all the love and support I have had this year.  Can't wait to see what 2015 brings!

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