Thursday, April 16, 2015

St Andrews is a cat town

St. Andrews is entirely a cat town. Different cats, I believe all with loving homes, seem to have territories in different parts of town. I particularly enjoy a fuzzy black kitty who lives in the courtyard by the psychology and religion buildings. He is very friendly, and joins me for lunch (though does not seem to approve of my veggie fare). Unfortunately, don't have a great picture of my buddy, my phone camera did not do him justice! And of course the most famous St. Andrews cat was Hamish McHamish, who roamed the centre of town. He passed away, and St. Andrews has put up a memorial statue for him in town. Definitely cat people.

On that note, while back home I hear of snow storms, we have had Scottish summer over here. Blue skies, I spent the day sitting in the sun and re-reading papers in preparation for the looming Viva. The cats are loving the sun as well; hemmingway liked curling up in the sun; however with the appearance of the camera he did cover up, trying to bat the camera away. No paparazzi please!

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