Friday, July 10, 2015

Rome Zoo

Marc and I made it out to the Rome Zoo, which was lovely. Note, the first photo is not real, it was an ad at the park, we did not get to see the pope play with parrots. But some cool things were the CSI exhibit highlighting wildlife crime (first thing you see at the zoo, pretty cool!), the fun enrichment for the lemurs, and we managed to catch a seal training session (really good though I personally wouldn't be using my hand or face as a target for a seal the way they did). The biggest thing we didn't like was the Japanese snow macaques, the weather is far to hot for them (according to the zoo's sign they live naturally in temps from -13 to 25 C, the day we were there it was around 37). They had a weird skin condition, not sure what from (over grooming, mites, maybe fungus from sweating? we don't know), and I can only guess that they were being kept in to hot of conditions. The exhibit was otherwise amazing, but why have an animal being kept in such hot conditions if it is not appropriate for them?

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