Well, I have finished my extramureal studies (EMS) required of veterinary students. My last farm I worked on was a pig farm. They raised pigs in an intensive outdoor setting. The farm was amazing. It was located right along the North Sea (see the picture below!). The farm house was huge! But I have noticed that about most farms in Scotland; the traditional farm house is large... don't know why...

Not much to say about this EMS placement. The only thing that stands out is the care I saw in the stockmen. While there, I was paired up with the head stockman. There were piglets that were not doing so well (and they were in an isolation room). The look in his eyes was very inspiring. I could tell he actually cared for these animals, even though they are being raised for slaughter. I mean, these piglets are not worth a lot of money if you consider their investment. A sow farrows anywhere between 4 and 16 piglets (average surviving to weaning on this farm was 9/litter), and when they are sold they only are worth about 130 pounds. These 3 sick piglets were not "worth" a lot, yet he was doing all he could to make sure they lived. He was visibly sad when he could tell one was just not going to make it. This is how to care for your animals, even those raised for slaughter, with kindness and empathy.
The EMS has shown me that the animal welfare standards in the UK surpass the US by leaps and bounds. The treatment live stock receive here is amazing. They have 5 guaranteed freedoms: Freedom from hunger and thirst, freedom from discomfort, freedom from pain, injury or disease, freedom from fear and distress, and freedom to express normal behaviours. In the US, all they are guaranteed is the room to be able to stand-up and turn around. Come on US, get with the game!
What is truly amazing about the UK animal welfare schemes is that it is generally all due to grocery stores and consumers. The grocery stores refuse to buy from farms that do not meet these standards (minimum Freedom Foods Scheme). It is shocking when you consider how large the government is here otherwise... it is also a good scheme that could be used in the US (high standards set by the industry), this way tea
The day the US decides to give all animals the 5 freedoms will truly be the most amazing day in the modern history of the US.
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