Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Royal Botanic Garden

While Marc was off being productive and working towards his degree, I went and explored the Royal Botanic Garden. For one, I love the bus system here. There is no worry; you can catch a bus to anywhere in the city, and for the directionally challenged like myself it is pretty much foul proof so you can't get lost. The buses run at least every 20 minutes, if not more frequently, like at Disney ^_^

The garden was lovely, though many of the outdoor exhibits were buried under snow. There were several nice indoor gardens. I am fairly ignorant about plants so it is hard for me to say what makes this garden special, but I do know they have the second largest collection of plants in the world, and do some great horticulture research. They have great education buildings, teaching the next generation of little scientist.

I am a bit ashamed, but one of the most interesting things to this mammalogist were the squirrels. There were some other visitors feeding one peanuts, and then they all started to join in. But the Scottish squirrels have a different body plan than those in America...they are huskier, with broader shoulders, stouter legs, and smushed in faces.

Once Marc is off from work, we are heading off to a pub for a game night. Nothing better than mixing beer and nerdy Scots.


  1. Mandy!! I'm so excited that you are having so much fun :-) I was totally nerding out and following around the squirrels while I was in Edinburgh. They are huge. I'm sure Chase will love them next Spring.

  2. Yes, I am sure he will. Though I am not sure he will know what to do with them :)

  3. I love that you went to see plants and followed the squirrels cause they are so much better!!
