Friday, May 18, 2012

End of a wonderful trip!

 Marc and I had a wonderful trip to Hong Kong, but now we are in the airport, waiting to go home.  I spent most of our last day in the conference.  My talk went well, and was happily well attended (I was a bit worried since it was the last talk before lunch on the last day, but had no need everyone stayed!)

After the conference we attended the International Art Fair which by lucky coincidence was also occuring within the conference center.  For the most part it was pretenitious (someone had the nerve to put up blank canvasses...I have no patience with that).  However there were a few pieces that were simply astounding. Yi Hwan-Kwon displayed a series of metal statues that are stretched vertically, which creates a strange perception illusion.  They look surreal in person, and are difficult to look at.  They feel alive, as if they move.  There is a picture of the leather clad woman passerby below,  but it doesn't do it justice:
 A heartwrenching exhibit was on display by Shen Shaomin called I sleep on top of myself.  Salt was layed over the ground in hills, looking like snow.  Throughout the snow, starved fur-less animals are curled up.  Sleeping? And breathing.  They are made out of silicon, and have a mechanical respiratory system that makes them look alive.  Unbelievably realistic and very powerful.

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