Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Hong Kong pt 2

Fun in Hong Kong continued today with a walk down the Avenue of the Stars, up to Hong Kongs Science museum.  The museum is delightful, lots of wonderful hands on exhibits great for all ages.  And a perk was that Lyuba, the best preserved mammoth specimen found to date was also on display.  She is approximately 1 month old, and is thought to have sufficated after inhaling dirt/mud/other debris.

 A lovely exhibit used strobe lights to give the effect of water floating, very cool!
We then wandered around a few of the open air markets, which was very bizarre and haggling intimidating! But we did manage to find some neat gifts for everyone at great prices.  We also found some wonderful food during our wanderings.  I was worried coming to Hong Kong about finding veggie food (it is considered insulting to ask for something to be made vegetarian, my standby).  However with the large Buddhist population, there are several purely veggie restaurants and street vendors.  And they are unbelievable! Today Marc and I enjoyed veggie friendly shark fin soup, seafood noodle platters, squid sago root, and pork dim sum.  All quorn based, loaded with fake meaty goodness.  The veggie products here are unbelievably amazing!

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