Sunday, February 20, 2011

Delightful Sunday

I had a wonderful day. I woke up to breakfast in bed courtesy of my Austrian roomie Anna. It was a sunny, but chilly day. The local windmill was open, and we went up and saw the inside of one of Hollands historic windmills. We also played on a zip line that is randomly set up here ^_^ Worked outdoors in the afternoon, feeding some very nice seals. They are closer to release, and are starting to realize eating is not such a bad idea after all so they don't fight it so much. A lovely homemade quiche for dinner, and more wonderful baby seal work at night. There are three baby grey seals in a quarantine that follow you every where hoping for a fish. You have to lock them up to work with just one of them, otherwise they are crawling all over you. Just precious.

A very nice Sunday ^_^

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