Friday, February 25, 2011

Seal dance

Today was interesting; the dutch equivalent of icarly is filming an episode at the seal center. She was privileged enough to get to wake up 16 volunteers with a spoon and pot at 6:15 in the morning so we could all have breakfast together (of course this is a normal day...we always wake up bright and shining and eat together; no one rolls out of bed 5 minutes before their shift downs some coffee and stumbles into work).

This afternoon was the goodbye party for the volunteer coordinator. She has worked here since she was 12 in some capacity. To give her a proper show off, the volunteers created a seal dance for her; this involved several volunteers dressing up as seals, and others catching and force feeding them. I have pics of them trying on the seal costumes :) Nofar, from Isreal, is a very sad sick seal. Michelle, from Alaska, has wicked baby-seal anger and flipper flapping. I am not sure about Anna (Austria) and Nofar are doing in the last picture...During the show I was a feeder; I tube-fed my roomate Michelle some wine.

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