Thursday, April 28, 2011


I finally got out to the highlands! On Tuesday I went to interview for a position at the Scottish Sea Life Sanctuary in Oban, in the Western Highlands. The train ride went through Glasgow, and was gorgeous. Blue skies, water, green rolling hills, absolutely wonderful. Oban is a beautiful water front town; busy with tourist and as a port it has a thriving downtown without all the craziness of a large city like Edinburgh. The sanctuary is very nice; it is small, but does seal rehabilitation and has two resident seals and otters. The staff is very nice, easy going, but haven't had much experience with marine mammals, so my position would be to help run the rehab, training, enrichment, and research with the seals and otters mainly. The position seems to be a good fit for me if school doesn't work out (still waiting on those grants). It is also just a few hours away from Edinburgh, and it would be nice to be so close and be able to visit marc frequently, fingers crossed.

It was a busy day when I interviewed; in honor of the royal wedding tomorrow, the sanctuary had a wedding of its own. The two otters, Lewis and Isla, were married and even had a little herring cake to celebrate. However the newly weds were not very thrilled about the arranged marriage; both refused to come out of their den for the ceremony.

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