Sunday, April 17, 2011

Pics again

Yesterday Marc had an unfortunate fall over a cat...nobody hurt, but my computer was sacrificed. However, we got a good deal on a netbook that does everything I need, got all my info off the labtop, and this little netbook will let me take photos off of it, so photos are back up!

Btw...we had trouble getting data off of my old labtop because the screen was ruined, we couldn't see if it was even booting up normally. Couldn't get it to screen to screen transfer to work off of another computer either. But at the repair shop they have a nifty little £15 case that turns your computers hard drive into an external. So easy and cheap, never would have thought to do it. If anyone else has an unfortunate accident, look into a SATA to USB enclosure.

This weekend was spent figuring out ways to affordably fix the computer, but in between we had a wonderful sunny afternoon in the meadows, a central park here, and went to an amazing chocolate shop called the chocolate tree. I have never found such deliciously dark is hard to find anything over 80% usually and for me the darker the better. And they make rose gellato. Very tasty.

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