Monday, May 16, 2011


Northern Ireland is beautiful, and Belfast is a nice city and was fun to wander around. They have nice things like a free history museum and botanical gardens, sites to visit where the Titanic was constructed, and if I were to go back I would want to go on their black taxi tour focused on the graffiti propaganda during the troubles between the late 1960′s and 1998, divided the nation, mainly between Nationalist Catholics and Unionist Protestants. But our main reason for being in Belfast was to jump up to the Giants Causeway. Similar to Fingals cave, it is hexagon basalt columns formed by volcanic cooling. Legend says there were two giants; the scottish and irish giant. They were big boys who liked to argue, and one day the Irish giant decided to build a causeway to go over and beat up the Scottish giant. He did, egging on the Scottish giant the whole way and when he made his way over to Scotland, he realized that the Scottish giant was way bigger than he was and he was guarenteed to lose the fight. But by this point, the Scottish giant was angry and wanted to kill the Irish giant. The Irish giant ran home to his wife, scared of what would happen. His wife told him not to worry, and dressed him up as an infant, putting him into a cribe and telling him to be quiet. Shortly after, the Scottish giant came pounding on the door. He demanded to know where the Irish giant was. The wife politely said her husband was out hunting, would he like some tea while waiting for him to come back? The scottish giant sits down, then notices the baby in the corner. He is stunned; if the giants child is that large, then how large must the father be? There would be no way the Scottish giant could defeat such a large man. So the Scottish giant runs home, tearing up the causeway behind him so that the Irish giant could not follow him.

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