Wednesday, June 22, 2011

At home

While Marc and I are taking day trips around the area every few weeks to make the most of our time in the UK, we are also enjoying the things closer to home. For example, this weekend we enjoyed going to the farmers market, where they sell eggs from the chicken farm Marc worked at (we also found a local soy farmer who makes delicious smoked tofu). The market is held near the castle, beautiful view, and is right next to the french sector of Edinburgh which was fun to wander around.

We are also taking advantage of a free nutritional clinic through the veterinary school to help two of our cats. While we have gotten Midnight down from 21 to 17 pounds, he still has a few pounds to go, along with another of our cats, Twilight. Our focus right now is to get them more active; overall they love there toys, and it isn't a problem. I picked up some bubbles for them, and most of the cats will pounce and play, but Midnight is terrified of them! We have no idea what might have caused such a strong aversion. We are trying to remove this strange bubble phobia by associating some of his feeds with bubbles, hopefully that is all that is needed.

As we are on a tight budget, we are also doing lots of home cooking. Last night Marc made some delicious from scratch pasta sauce, and I put together some noodles. Yum!

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