Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Things at the centre are very busy, but I promise that every day I will at least find the time to post a picture. The seals are to cute not to.

Also, when the seals get angry with each other or at us, there first line of defense is flapping their flipper at you. And with there body proportions, it is kind of like a t-rex...the tiny little arms flapping and trying to hit you. Two seals slapping ackwardly small flippers is ridiculously cute, especially considering the menace meant behind it.


  1. hahaha....I can only imagine. It's like the little diabetic dog with the bad teeth. haha

  2. no kidding, poor buddy lol. It must be terrible...to be so angry, and try so hard to express that anger, but to cute you actually threaten.

  3. Terrible tragedy. Maybe they should see a therapist.
