Thursday, January 20, 2011


Today I had a split shift, working in the morning and then evening. That left me a wonderful, sunny afternoon for a bike ride through the countryside to a nearby town, Eenrum. It is a bit bigger than Pieterburen, with several shops and restaurants, as well as a real grocery store. We have a small organic store in Pieterburen but it only carriers some of the fancier more expensive foods. Eenrum is beautiful, and has some fun things. There is a clog maker, and a mustard making museum. And the Netherlands are so flat that the 5 km bike ride was very easy and pleasant.

At work this morning I was hand feeding two grey seals, and one was constantly opening its mouth and crying to be fed. But the poor seal couldn't keep the fish in it's mouth; I would insert the fish, and unless I slowly pushed the fish all the way down (seals swollow their food whole, they don't chew) it would just fall out. It must be so frustrating for him.

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