Thursday, January 6, 2011


One of the things I was most excited about when doing the tourist thing was to see the Scottish highlands. Marc and I had planned to take a Hairy Coo tour that goes into the start of the highlands up to Loch Katrine. This was simply not to be...the first day we tried, there was an online booking error and there was no room for us on the trip. The next...bus broke down. Then snow.

So we gave up today, and went to the lowlands instead. We went to Kirkcaldy by train on a mission to see the scenery but also to get Marc a VCR for his masters project. They are very tricky to find here. Kirkcaldy is in the fife lowlands, right on the coast. The water was beautiful, and the train traveled right up next to the water. I saw my first wild seal to! It was a challenge...but with Marc in his happy place on a train, and stuck in one spot, I finally got him to sit still to take a nice photo to. Well, maybe not still, and it did take almost 40 shots with the camera...but we got a photo :)

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