Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Amsterdam day 2

Another busy day :) We visited the children's science center, NEMO, first thing. A great hands on museum, which had some interesting areas I hadn't seen in the ones stateside...for example, it had an assembly line, where kids could work all the different areas and see how the individual pieces worked together. It also had a whole floor dedicated to sex education and another to psychology. We then went to the Jewish History Museum and its associated childrens museum, which was in a in a complex of four former Ashkenazi synagogues. After that we enjoyed the botanical gardens, which has a great setup that lines up the plants according to evolutionary lines. You can follow the plants from ancestor up.

We then went to the Rembrandt museum, which was my favorite. It is in his home, and has been furnished as naturally as possible. His works, and those of his teachers and students, line the walls. And in his studio, contemporary artist work using the paints he would have; we saw how to make the paints from the minerals as Rembrandt did. Very nice.

We wandered around a flee market, and made our way to the Olde Kirk. Over 5 centuries the architecture has been added to, and it is Amsterdams ooldest monument. Rembrandts wife, Saskia is also buried there (instead of having a cemetary, all of the people are buried under the church floors).

We saw so much...but it was not at all rushed. We had time to wander the streets, sit and enjoy the sun on the was a great trip!

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