Thursday, March 10, 2011

Germany - Day 1

I went on a surprise visit to Germany the past few days. One of the employees here, who only comes in a few days a month, is a vet who runs several animal care facilities on the German island Fohr. We drove up early monday morning, and took time to visit a delicious bakery. We took a ferry to the island, and visited her veterinary practice and wildlife rehab center. The winter is slower, and mostly cats and rabbits, but she is also caring for several agricultural animals as well as wild birds and hedgehogs. The wild hedgehogs are massive compared to those in the states (they reach about 1 kg). The word for hedghog in German is igel (pronounced "eagle"). They have a safe place for some of the wild hedgehogs to hibernate at the center, and they kept telling me they had eagles sleeping under tarps. It was very confusing until they realised they used the german word for hedgehog. We then hit the beach and played with her dogs (Jodi loves to swim :) ). She also has two horses, and we went horseback riding through the main city (first time bareback, I loved it! You have a much better connection that way). Absolutely wonderful!

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