Thursday, March 10, 2011

Germany- Day 2

I spent most of the day helping out at the wildlife rehab center, taking care of the quarentine patients. Roosters, hedgehogs, a few wild cats, and lots and lots of rabbits. I also visited her other facilities on the island...a boarding facility for pets, a wild cat sanctuary where stray cats are fed, sheltered, and vaccinated, a ranch for the healthy agricultural animals (and i bottle fed baby goats, melts your heart), and a seal education center. Right now, it is illegal to rescue seals that are stranded/ill. If a seal is found on the beach, signs are posted to call hunters who decide if the seal lives or dies. The seal center is an education outpost teaching why it is important to rehab seals, and explaining the work done in Pieterburen and how it could be brought to the island. The end of the day we drove around the island, watched sunset over the ocean, and walked through the old villages and churches. Some of the buildings date back to the early 1600's and are in great shape. We went into the largest church on the island at night, there was only one candle, very spooky.

Overall it was a wonderful trip!!! The island reminded me very much of florida...a different sense of time seems to exist on islands no matter where in the world you are. Very touristy to.

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