Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Marc visit!

Marc came and visited!!!! I think he brought spring with him...the day he arrived, you could smell spring in the air, and it is the first time I saw tulips springing up :) They are coming out all over now!

We spent the night in Pieterburen, and on Sunday Marc shadowed one of the vets at the center. It was perfect timing...we have a very rare case at the center. It is an adult common seal (usually we only see pups) who has a large but superficial wound. It appears to have caused sepsis, and exhibited some neurological problems. So Marc saw lots of goodies....placing an IV line into the spinal sinuses, neuro evaluations, and the like. The seal was in terrible shape, but is responding very well now to treatment.

And Sunday night we went on our adventure to Amsterdam :)

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