Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Things have been in limbo...I am constantly in a state of just waiting to hear back from schools, jobs, funding.

The seal center has worked out very well for me; I love working here, and today they offered me a job :) They have given me an open offer for a contract...they will pay me a stipend, and continue to give me a place to live and food, and pay for plane tickets to and from the facility anytime I would like to come back for as long as I would like to stay.

So a rough plan, unless something else comes up, is that I am going back to Scotland April 6th. A few friends from high school are coming over to run around Scotland and Ireland, and I will be traveling around for the first few weeks of may. And then maybe I will come back to the seal center mid may or early june. That is when the first grey seal babies of the season start floating in which would be wonderful to see, and if school is going to work out I may be able to swing starting to collect data from the little babies then.

For now, I am seeing about getting on Marc's visa, or maybe a prospective student visa. I had hoped by now to know for sure if school was going to work out and just get a student visa, but nothing is ever that simple. If all else fails then the seal center will work on getting me a work permit to stay in the EU. My travelers visa is good until June, so I have some time to figure it all out.

It is a rough plan, but at least I have some idea now :)


  1. Congrats Mandy!! That is very exciting!

  2. I understand your limbo....hopefully we both can avoid falling over for as long as possible :-)
