Sunday, October 21, 2012

Golden Circle: Geysir and Gullfoss

Our second day in Iceland we went around part of the golden circle, a nice few hour drive that takes you throughout the country side.  Tourist spots on the route include geyser and gullfoss.  Geysir is a geothermal area including a geyser that goes off every 5-10 minutes. It is really cool to watch, as the water super heats it creates a massive air bubble before it blows, sending water up 20 ft or so into the air.  Then all the water is gone from the crater, and surrounding water rushes in to refill it.

Gullfoss waterfall is also on the route.  Absolutely stunning!  The grass surrounding the falls had frozen, but we had blue skies.  A rainbow is also common in the mist surrounding the falls, which Norse mythology identifies as Bifrost, the bridge to cross over into the world of the gods.

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