Friday, October 12, 2012

Marc's folks visit!

Felicia and Daniel were just over visiting the past few weekends.  It was wonderful to see them, and we had an excuse to go and travel to see a few things :)

The ruins of the medieval Craigmillar Castle are right inside of Edinburgh, only a few minute drive from our flat.  But we just had never taken the time to visit until Daniel and Fel came.  The castle is well known because of its brief but notorious association with Mary Queen of Scots.  After Mary’s son was born in Edinburgh castle, she came to Craigmillar to convalesce.  She was only there a few weeks, but it was during her stay that the pact to murder her husband was made.


During our travels we went south to England.  Before crossing the border we encountered a lovely town, Jedburgh, and found the Jedburgh Abbey.  The ruins of the 12th century abbey are also home to the famous geologist, Hutton.

A highlight of the trip was going down south to see one of the most well preserved Roman forts along Hadrians wall.  Housestead (vercovicium), was constructed starting in 122 AD to protect the established roman power from the barbarians in the north.   The ruins are in very good shape, which is a bit surprising now a-days given how all the tourist climb all over it.  The fort is surrounded by sheep. 

The roman toilets.  They had figured out the importance of hygeine....why couldn't we have done so sooner?

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